It’s a new year, and so much to look forward to. Yet, we still have some pesky problems to address such as drinking water and PFAS contamination. I wish we had a magic wand and could make this disappear easily, but without our attention to the matter not much will be accomplished or changed. Since we all by now are aware of Lead wrecking havoc on health and tap water, it’s as good a time as any to address all the problematic water contaminants. So let’s dive in.

You may have heard of PFAS recently in the news. They’re a huge group (10,000+) of fluorinated chemicals used widely in numerous everyday products. As a result, our drinking water sources are more contaminated than ever, and the disease connection is rapidly moving from theory to serious concern. Unfortunately, the EPA does not yet regulate PFAS in drinking water but that will very likely change soon.

These substances are considered forever chemicals that do not go away easily, in fact they remain in the environment and bioaccumulate as they move up the food chain. PFAS are found in many personal care products, textiles, food packaging, make up and common things many of us use daily. Avoiding these substances is no easy challenge, and the need for a world wide ban is more imperative than ever! Until then, it’s up to us to reduce our exposure to these health disruptors. With a few strategic choices, you can reduce your exposure to PFAS big time, and as a bonus– since these products typically contain BPA and phthalates as well, you’ll reduce your exposure to all these toxins!

10 Steps to Reduce PFAS Exposure:

  1. Filter Your Water
  2. Avoid nonstick and teflon pans
  3. Avoid plastic, styrofoam and single use plastic food containers
  4. Avoid microwave popcorn bags and most pizza boxes:(*unless you’re in Maine, NY or Cali
  5. Avoid grease-proof food wrappers, containers, pet food bags
  6. Avoid stain- and water resistant clothing, furniture, carpet, fabrics
  7. Avoid contact with fire proof clothing and fire fighting foam
  8. Avoid eating freshwater fish more than once a week (or once a month depending on water source)
  9. Avoid certain brands of dental floss
  10. Choose bras, clothing and athletic gear that’s free of PFAS

Filtering Water

  • Filtering water is so imperative to avoid not only PFAS, but hundreds of other disease-causing substances. The top two filtering methods seem to be reverse osmosis and carbon block, yet there’s many to choose from. At the end of the day, any type of filter is better than none at all. At the very least, get a purifying pitcher that you can fill and put in your fridge. Or better yet, drink your water room temperature to assist with digestion and metabolism, (but don’t drink too much with meals or you’ll dilute much needed digestive juices;) Filter models vary from countertop, under the sink, pitchers, fridge filters, or whole house. Best types include:


Go to EWG site to explore map up close


A Downloadable and Helpful PFAS Guide :

Next Steps: Change the Industry

Aside from avoiding PFAS as much as we can, if we all urge our favorite product manufacturers to discontinue adding PFAS to their products, or if we stopped buying anything containing PFAS imagine how quickly they would be gone!

The EPA is beginning to take steps toward reducing and regulating PFAS in water resources. With our encouragement, we can keep them moving in this direction. Finally, how about we urge our State to be like Maine and New York and ban PFAS in food packaging! We have to start somewhere.


*Some States have banned PFAS in Food Packaging! These include:

Maine, New York, California, with Colorado and Connecticut on the verge.

New York State has banned the use of per- and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFAS) in food packaging, enacted under the Hazardous Packaging Act, Title II of Article 37 of the Environmental Conservation Law(link is external), which will take effect on December 31, 2022. The term package is those intended for direct food contact and comprised of paper, paperboard, or other materials derived from plant fibers and includes many items used in school foodservice such as trays, bags, sandwich wrappers, soup cups, etc. Studies have linked PFAS chemicals to harmful health and environmental effects.

Recent EPA actions include:

Final Thoughts

Together we can solve any challenge, even one as big as this. Never stop believing! If you’d like more information or are interested in learning more we’re bridging over to a new platform that offers online workshops, consultations, and amazing nutrition and environmental classes for kids as well as adults. Find us at

Thanks for reading and Happy New Year!